Best Ways To Keep Online Classes Interactive

Best Ways To Keep Online Classes Interactive

Education is considered to be one of the most important parts of everybody’s life. It is only because of education that a person is able to achieve different heights in his life. Usually there was a time in which all the students used to visit the schools and colleges and after that they used to go on internships for getting professional training. Let’s help you know more about teaching degree courses.


But after the year of 2020 the entire educational system has undergone a complete change. It is because from the offline mode of education the online mode of education has become more famous. This online mode of education was initially developed in order to accommodate the education of the students during the time of pandemicwithout inviting them to the college or the school.

The basic intention was to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus. But even after the pandemic has bygone, many type of educational institutions are following the online method of education in which the classes are conducted online, and the students do not visit the schools.

Effects of online education

Online mode of education has always been difficult to accept. This is one of the most important concepts which is able to take into consideration from many different perspectives. But the problem with online classes is that none of the students are attentive towards what the teacher is teaching. Teaching degree coursesalso help you with techniques of online classroom management in the best manner.

Online Education is resulting in awaste of time and is also affecting the competency of most of the students. But until and unless the infection does not subside, it is advisable to incorporate certain kinds of suggestions to the virtual mode of education in which the online examinations and online classes are conducted.

This would be able to make the education more interactive and sustainable for the students despite being online.This article would be making an attempt to make a list of all the methods with the help of which a better concept could be understood and the online classes would be made more interactive. The list of the same has been given as follows.

Asking the students to turn on the camera

One of the most important ways with which online education can be made much more interesting andmore interactive by asking the students to switch on the camera. This would allow the students to stay connected with the teachers. The teachers would also be in the position to see as to what the students are doing in the class and even if they are paying attention to what is being taught or not.

It is considered to be an important method with the help of which a better development can be achieved over the period of time. If the students are asked to turn on the camera, then they would also feel that they are constantly being checked by the school administration and hence they have to be attentive. It is a useful tip for obtaining this particular result.

Organize presentations and other modes of testing the competency

It is important to keep in mind that it is impossible for the teacher to test the competency of the student in the online class until and unless there is no mode for the same. A teacher can organize interactive presentations in which she can ask the students to explain the entire concept she has been teaching for the past few days. This definitely will be important in order to keep this student engaged in the class.

This is considered to be one of the most important steps that has to be taken into account. Organising presentations is very important because it helps ateacher to get an idea about the level of understanding of the student. It also allows the student to be prepared with the syllabus every time. Making the presentation also adds to the existing knowledge of the student and therefore helps in the preparation of the term end examinations.

Undertake questioning rounds

It is important to keep in mind that a particular class can become interactive and interesting only when there is questioning and cross questioning between the teachers and the students. Usually, the students do not even utter a single word in the online class. But a teacher is having all the possible experience to ask the students for an answer to any question.

If the students understand that they can be questioned at any point of time, then they will definitely be attentive towards the class. This will be converting the dialogue of the students and teachers between themselves which was earlier not there. It will ensure a better development of a relationship so that long term effects could be obtained. This is going to be helpful to the greatest possible extent.

Conduct doubt clearing sessions

There is a possibility that some of the students may not speak up in the actual class because they want personalised attention. That is why it is obligatory for the teachers to conduct doubt clearing sessions so that the students can interact positively and freely with the teachers. It is considered to be a useful practisewhich is having a huge amount of importance.

It can result in a better understanding and also boost the confidence of the students to interact with the teachers’ even through the online portal. This is one of the most essential parts of the entire process which has to be taken into consideration.


It can be concluded that all of these essential details are required for providing a better scope of development. These are someessential methodologies with the help of which a more interactive online class can be conducted for the betterment of the students in the long run.

These methods are genuinely helpful for promoting the confidence and efficiency of the class so that everybody is in the position to benefit from it at the end, whichis very important.

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