The success that you demand for your dance studio is quite attainable with a strong Google My Business (GMB) profile. The number of worldwide internet users surpasses 5.45 billion, and most of them use Google.
Therefore, a GMB profile with the best of your Google reviews will help you grab most of their attention. You can buy Google reviews to get some exclusive ones to showcase in your GMB profile.
Don’t know what a Google My Business profile is? Well, let’s briefly understand the role of GMB before optimizing it for your dance studio’s success.
An Overview Of The GMB Account
Google My Business is a massive key for small businesses to open their prospects of online success. This special feature from Google lets you decide what to show when people search for your business online.
Google algorithm prefers businesses with a GMB profile, as this simple set up increases the validity and authenticity of the business to a great extent. In your Google My Business profile, you can add-
- The address of your dance studio with directions
- Times when your dance studio remains open
- Number of dance teachers
- Contact number for query
- The website URL of your dance studio
- Links to your social media pages
- Top reviews on your dance studio
7 Tips To Optimize GMB Account For Your Dance Studio
You may have the best dance studio locally, but not listing its name on GMB. It means you are letting others win over you. Therefore, optimize your GMB profile to expand your reputation online.
Wondering how to utilize GMB for your dance studio’s success? These tips are here for your help;
Get to the Point and Be Specific
Be clear with your information, especially while putting your address, phone number and operational hours. Inaccuracy in these vital points will lead to customer harassment as your possible dance student may get lost finding you.
Also, be specific on the type of dance you teach in your dance studio for further clarity. Instead of merely writing “Dance Studio”, mention its name along with the dance categories taught there.
Utilize the ‘Post’ Feature
The “post” feature of Google My Business lets you post exclusive photos of your dance studio to impress the audience. You can also post here posters with exclusive offers, dance events, and workshops for promotion.
These regular posts of the interior of your dance studio will attract students online. Students with similar dancing interests then will reach up to you seeing the specific mentions of their choice of dance in those posts.
Update Information Daily
Constantly update your GMB profile with any new changes that occur in your studio. It can be the change in time due to the arrival of winter, a new dance form that you are introducing, or anything that worth a mention. These frequent updates also improve your SEO.
Collect Reviews and Timely Give Replies
Google reviews play a vital part in your Google My Business profile. This is because people will only consider other information on your profile if your ratings and reviews are high.
Therefore, make sure to collect Google reviews from your existing dance trainees and reply to them to improve review numbers. Then put the best of your Google reviews in your Google My Business profile for promotion.
Upload Visual Elements
As a dance teacher or curator, you know exactly how much visual appeal matters during live performances. The same goes for your Google My Business profile. The first impression is the last here too.
Therefore, upload HD photos and dance videos to your GMB profile. Include photos of classes in action, with the exciting faces of dancers and instructors. This will immensely boost your success by impressing your online audience.
Optimize for Local SEO
Local SEO ranking is vital for the success of businesses that mainly targets local dwellers such as a dance studio. Therefore, make sure to put relevant keywords denoting your location and popularity.
Always mention the name of your city, the number of your dance studios, etc. on the GMB profile description. This will increase your reach to the local audience by improving your local SEO.
Adjust Strategies and Monitor Insights
Regularly follow the insights that Google provides you on your GMB profile visits, searches, and click through rates. This will provide you with valuable information on the effectiveness of your profile optimization.
Use these insights to make or adjust new strategies to ensure continuous growth in your success. For instance, increase the number of in-action dance posts if that instantly increases your GMB profile engagement.
So, this is how you can easily optimize your Google My Business account. Now, let’s know what benefits it has to offer.
Advantages of Having Google My Business for Dance Studio
Regular update of your GMB profile can offer lots of advantages to your dance studio. This includes;
- It increases your online visibility in the Google search engine and Google Maps
- Your perfect GMB profile with positive reviews, HD dance images, and exact information makes your studio more authentic and credible both for Google algorithm and your prospective clients
- GMB profile listing increases your local SEO as Google prefers businesses that that a GMB profile over others in their search suggestions
These exclusive advantages make Google My Business a must-have feature for the online reputation and success of your dance studio.
Conclusion: Optimize GMB Profile for Your Dance Studio Now!
Optimizing your GMB profile is a simple but effective way to uplift your dance studio’s success by attracting new students. Therefore, implement the above strategies to uplift the effectiveness of your Google My Business profile.
However, if you find that the need for more high-quality reviews is hampering the wishful optimization of your GMB profile, try Buyreviewz and get authentic Google reviews to highlight your GMB profile.